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Felbridge Primary School

Finding the best in everyone.

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We are a one form entry primary school with one class for each age group. There are no mixed aged classes. We cater for a range of abilities in each year group, with teachers planning for extension, support and intervention so that all children are given the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Arrangements for children who have special educational needs, including those with a physical disability, are detailed in our SEN policy, and the annual SEN Information Report (see policies page). Children with special educational needs are fully integrated into all aspects of school life. They receive full access to the curriculum by the provision of additional support. Where pupils are withdrawn from class either individually or as part of a group for specialised help, this is planned so that these children are not excluded from the main activities of the class.

There is wheelchair access to all parts of the school used by pupils and there is a disabled toilet available for staff and pupils. Our main entrance has an accessibility ramp to provide greater ease of access.