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Felbridge Primary School

Finding the best in everyone.

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Welcome to the PTA - the Parent, Teacher & Friends Association of Felbridge School!


We are fortunate to have a committed and active PTA who work hard for the benefit of the whole school community.


Their aims are:

• to foster parental interest in the life of the school

• to promote and organise fund raising events

• to organise social events for the school community


Each year the PTA raise funds for the school- often approaching five figures! These funds contribute to a wide variety of items, many of which we could not afford within our normal budget.

Most recently the PTA have contributed towards the costs of a complete set of new phonics books and our stunning class set of Chromebooks. They have also funded a range of smaller projects including playground equipment, library furniture and the screen/projector in the hall.

We are very grateful for the significant contribution the PTA make annually and for all the hard work that this contribution represents.

Key events in the PTA calendar are the annual fireworks evening, the Summer Fair, discos for the children, quiz nights for the parents and the Squirrel Club monthly draw.


We also run events to support families and children including 'Bag2School' clothing collections and a second-hand uniform shop. Items can be bought from the shop by asking any member of PTA or emailing us via

Parents can support the PTA's fund raising efforts by using the link below to Easy Fund Raising or by signing up to Amazon Smile when shopping online. A wide variety of popular online sites are part of the Easy Fundraising scheme and a percentage of each transaction will go to the school.

The PTA hold regular meetings to which all parents and members of staff are invited. They hold an annual general meeting in the autumn term.

The current officers on the PTA committee are Ben Wheatley (Chair), Giorgia Wheatley (Secretary) and Penny Letchford (Treasurer).

The PTA can be contacted via their website;
