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Felbridge Primary School

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Class 6

"At the start of the term I felt quite nervous because it was a whole new year and a whole new teacher with harder work, loads more tests and a lot of revision.  I was also pretty excited as this year our class are having reading partners who we play with and read to on Friday’s which is really fun!  I’m also really looking forward to our class trip to the Isle of Wight, which we are going on in a couple of weeks for about 5 days!  In maths, we are doing place value and to help us we listen to the rounding rap!  In English we are writing a story and doing lots of work on a brilliant short-film call The Lighthouse.  In science, we are learning about electricity, how electricity works and different sources of electricity.  Finally, in computing we are creating programs by coding with scratch.  I am really looking forward to a great year in year 6!”

By Evie Colegate

