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Felbridge Primary School

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Sackville Dance Show

Well done to the group of Class 6 children who choreographed their own dance routine which they then performed to other East Grinstead schools and parents at the Sackville Dance Show on Wednesday.

The children practiced every day leading up to the performance resulting in a very polished routine which Miss Tomlin described as ‘absolutely fantastic’.

Well done to Amelia Bardsley, Eve Carey, Hannah Edwards, Bobby Eke, Cydney Fenwick, Zara Keetley, Lara Maddox, Olivia Marsden, Hannah Martell, Laurence McLaughlin, Jensen Rann, Amber Titchener, Scarlett Treadaway, Lucy Wadham-Smith, Jamie Webb, Maddie Willett and Darcie Wilson. Thank you to Miss Tomlin for accompanying the children and to the parents for their help with transport.