If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements via the link below to Surrey County Council.
We are a one form entry primary school with a published admission number (PAN) of 30 pupils in Years R, 1 & 2. We have an extra PAN of 2 for Years 3-6 bringing the total in each Key Stage 2 class to 32.
If you wish to apply for a place in our reception class or year end of year 2 phase transfer, you should apply online to either Surrey County Council or West Sussex County Council (depending on where you live/pay council tax) in the autumn of the year before your child is due to start school. On the West Sussex County Council Admissions online application there is a drop down facility allowing you to select a Surrey school.
For information about the admission of children with an EHC Plan, please see here.
Please email us at or call the office on 01342 323413
In Year Applications
What are in-year admissions?
You can make an in-year application if your child needs to join a school outside of the normal admissions round - for example, if you move house and your child can no longer attend their current school.
We invite all prospective parents to visit the school and meet with Mrs Emma Thorp our Head teacher.
Please contact the school office on 01342 323413 to speak to our officer manager, Mrs Emma Warland.
Who processes your application?
The governing body is the admissions authority for Felbridge Primary School and has responsibility for admissions to the school, including setting the priority of admissions when the school is oversubscribed. Felbridge Primary School will consider whether it has any vacancies and if so, assess whether it is able to offer a place. The school will contact you to let you know the outcome of your application.
When will parents be notified of the outcome of their application?
Upon receipt of an In Year application, the school will notify parents of the outcome of the application in writing within 15 school days. You must respond to any offer of a place within two weeks.
The right to appeal
Please see below for information regarding appeals.