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Felbridge Primary School

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Year 1 - Monkeys Class

Welcome to Monkeys!

Monkeys class is taught by Miss Richardson with Mrs Smith, Mrs Kelly (Monday am) and Mrs North (Tuesday-Friday am) supporting our learning. We also have Coach Mason teaching us PE on a Wednesday afternoon. 


What we are learning about this term...

This term we will still have time for learning play but we will be doing more adult directed and independent learning. We are really looking forward to it! 


This term our topic is the 'United Kingdom'. We will be looking at the countries that make up the United Kingdom as well as learning about castles.  

We are also learning about plants in science. We will be looking at trees and plants, naming some, growing beans and learning about how plants grow.

Our Beans

To learn about what plants need to grow and survive we conducted our own enquiry. We planted beans in plastic wallets (so we could see what was happening) with a wet paper towel. We then pegged them in the window. We also planted beans that had no water and no light as well as beans that were too hot and too cold. 

Some of our beans started growing quickly, that's because they had water, sunlight and the right temperature to be able to start to grow. 

Our Spider

As part of our art topic this half term we have been creating paper sculptures. We have learnt to roll paper in different ways to create different effects. We then worked together as a class to make our spider based on Louise Bourgeois 'Maman' which is made of metal. We rolled newspaper into struts, these then formed the 8 legs, head and body. We then put the struts together to make our spider. We are very proud of it and wanted to use it to scare other classes, Miss R decided just to display it in the classroom! 
