What are we aiming for?
At Felbridge we offer a physical education curriculum that has the child at its core, which aims to ensure all children are physically literate when leaving in year 6. Because of this, in each PE lesson many children will not be working at the objective that is in their year group. Some may be working above this and others towards this. We firmly believe that in PE a ‘stage not age’ approach is fundamental to placing the child at its core and ensuring high quality, purposeful physical education.
How will we do it?
Our children's journey to physical literacy starts from the moment they enter early years at Felbridge. We aim to develop every child holistically equipping them with the skills, confidence and personal qualities to be well equipped to take on which ever sporting journeys they wish to take part in after their time at Felbridge. Each term the children focus on one of 6 areas of personal development: Personal, Social, Cognitive, Creative, Physical and Health and fitness. Additionally, children progress through a range of fundamental movement skills in each lesson, which is applied to a variety of sports in KS2.
Early intervention- we provide PE intervention based on the fundamental movement skills. This enables children to compete with their peers and not become disengaged with PE and sport.
Extra-Curricular opportunities- Building on our curriculum offering we offer a range of after school clubs for children to further their development, from stoolball to gymnastics. We run a successful sports leader program which gives year 6 children the opportunities to deliver coaching and run inter-school tournaments to children in other year groups. We ensure every child in UKS2 has the opportunity to represent the school at interschool level at some point each year, and every child in LKS2 at least one opportunity over the course of 2 years.
To enhance both the children’s learning and teacher development we have expert coaches lead PE lessons identified by teacher confidence in certain areas. For example, following feedback we have a gymnastics coach co teach lessons alongside teachers in the spring term across the whole school.
What will our approach result in?
Children at Felbridge are confident and competent sports people, equipped with the skills and knowledge to give new sports ago and progress to the next stage of their sporting journey. Children develop an understanding of how their body works and can apply their skills in a variety of different contexts. Children enjoy PE and have experienced a variety of sports during their time at Felbridge.