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Felbridge Primary School

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Educational Welfare


Good attendance is essential if children are to maintain good progress and develop sound work habits for the future. Holidays taken during term time can seriously disrupt a child's learning and affect their confidence. For this reason holidays taken during term time are unauthorised at Felbridge Primary School, other than for exceptional circumstances.


In the case of sickness, we require parents to inform us by telephone or email before 9.30am on the first day of absence. This should be followed up with a written note explaining the absence when the child returns to school. We do contact parents if a child's absence is unexplained. If children are absent with sickness or diarrhoea they must be clear of symptoms for 48 hours before returning to school. Children should be fit to undertake the whole school day, including playtimes on their return after being unwell. The only exception to this would be if a child had broken a limb and would need to stay inside during playtimes.

If it is necessary for your child to take medication during the school day we ask the following:


  • Medicine should be handed to a member of the office staff by an adult and a form completed regarding dosage and timing.
  • Medicine should be collected from the office at the end of the school day by an adult.
  • Medicine should be clearly marked.
  • Medicines should never be kept in children's school bags.
  • Over the counter throat and cough sweets may be given to a classteacher for safe keeping. Children will not be allowed these whilst out at playtime


Medical Checks

Height and weight checks are carried out for children in their year of entry into Reception Class and also during their final year at primary school in Year 6. Additionally vision checks are carried out for Reception Class children. Permission for these checks is always sought from parents.