This information and the associated documents are now an 'archive' for information purposes only and are not currently being updated.
Management of Covid-19 at Felbridge
This page details the school's planning, precautions and actions for different stages of the response to the ongoing Covid-19 situation.
As part of our planning, we regularly review and update our Risk Assessment and, from Autumn 2021, our Outbreak Management Plan, based on the latest government and Surrey County guidelines. Our latest versions of these documents can be viewed below.
'Warn & Inform' advice where there are current cases within school
Covid-19 Contingency Planning - partial or full closure of school
In the event of a lockdown of the whole school or a bubble, teaching will continue on-line 24 hours after the lockdown is declared i.e. if lockdown is a Monday, we aim for teaching to be up and running first thing on Wednesday morning. In the meantime, the class pages on the website will be populated with home learning ideas and activities that reinforce key skills and are easy to do.
During a period of full lockdown, the school will be open for vulnerable children and children of critical workers only.
Parents whose work is critical to the coronavirus (COVID-19) and EU transition response include those who work in health and social care and in other key sectors.
Children with at least one parent or carer who is a critical worker can go to school if required, but government advice is that parents and carers who are critical workers should keep their children at home if they can.
We urge all parents to consider if their child can be safely cared for at home in order to keep school safely open for those who have no other option. This includes ensuring the children only attend school on the days that the parent is actually at work.
The senior leadership team, in consultation with the wider staff team and governors, and taking the views of parents and children into account following the first period of partial closure in 2020, have written a contingency plan detailing what actions we hope to take during periods of partial closure. A copy is available below.
Felbridge Primary School Remote Learning Contingency Plan
Remote Learning
The school has had Google Classroom installed in January 2021. Videos and instructions are available to watch to help families get started.