Government 'Premium' Funding- Pupil, Sport and Catchup
Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium, Sport Premium and, for 2020-2021, Catchup Premium funding and associated actions in school.
Pupil Premium
In 2011-12 the Government launched its Pupil Premium Funding, a grant allocated to schools in addition to main school funding. Pupil Premium is allocated to local authorities and schools based on the number of pupils on roll who are known to have been eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) at any time in the last six years. Each of these pupils will attract a specific amount of funding. Children who have previously been entitled to FSM, but are no longer, are referred to as ‘ever 6’. Schools also receive Pupil Premium Plus funding which is allocated for pupils who have been in care or have previously been in care. Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium and Pupil Premium Plus funding in any way they think will support raising the attainment for the most vulnerable pupils. From September 2012 we have been required to publish online information about our allocation of Pupil Premium and Pupil Premium Plus, our strategy for its use and the impact it has had. The current statement appears below. It is reviewed annually and published by October half-term.
If your child does not have Free School Meals, but may be eligible because of your family’s income level, please contact the office (in confidence) to register them. Even if you do not wish them to have the meals, this would mean we could still claim the Pupil Premium funding.
Sport Premium
Sport Premium is an allocation of additional funding from the Department for Education, given to every school with primary age children to support the development of Physical Education, School Sport and Competition. This money is ring-fenced.
All schools are required to report on the amount of funding received and how this is being used, as well as the impact this is having on pupils. Our most recent statements appear below.
Catchup Premium
For 2020-2021, the government announced a catch-up fund for education, split between a catch-up premium and a national tutoring scheme. Further details are available at: School allocations are calculated on a per pupil basis. Mainstream schools, such as Felbridge, received £80 for each pupil from Years R-6. This money was payable across the academic year 2020-2021 in three tranches, based on census data. |
In total, Felbridge Primary School was awarded £16,800. The report below outlines how we have utilised these funds to support interventions, teaching and assessment.