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Felbridge Primary School

Finding the best in everyone.

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Staff Team

Leadership Team


Co-Headteacher - Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri

Mr Hugh Hogan-Fleming

  • Senior Leadership Team
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Curriculum & Assessment
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Performance Management
  • Computing
  • RE

Co-Headteacher - Wednesdays

Deputy Headteacher - Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri

Mrs Rachael Sims

  • Senior Leadership Team
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Pupil Premium
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Performance Management
  • Curriculum & Assessment
  • Maths Team
  • History, Geography, PSHE, French Co-Leader

School Business Manager

Mrs Penny Letchford

  • Senior Leadership Team
  • Finance and Administration
  • Health and Safety
  • Premises Management
  • Office support

Leadership Support


Mrs Becky Ruffels

  • SENDCO - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator
  • Leadership Team
  • Special Educational Needs
  • Looked After Children
  • Support for PP and vulnerable groups

Miss Beth Riggs

  • English and Music Lead
  • Leadership Team
  • Curriculum/Teaching & Learning support


Class Teachers from September 2023


Reception - Geckos Class

Miss Charlotte Pringle

  • EYFS Lead
  • PE Co-ordinator
  • Wellbeing Project Co-ordinator
  • Staff Governor

Year 1 - Monkeys Class

Miss Stephanie Richardson

  • Maths Team
  • Art & DT

Year 2- Leopards Class

Mrs Rebecca Ruffels (3 days)

  • Leadership Team
  • Science and Ecology Team

Miss Emma Nicholls (2 days)

Year 3 - Pandas Class

Miss Lea Sowerby

  • PSHE
  • School Council

Year 4 - Toucans Class

Miss Hannah Jones

Year 5 - Macaws Class


Mrs Cassie Rolfe (Mon - Weds)

  • Science/Ecology Team

Mrs Lizzie Woodward (Thurs-Fri)

Year 6- Jaguars Class

Miss Bethany Riggs

  • Leadership Team
  • English Team
  • Music


Admin & Premises Staff

Teaching & Special Needs Assistants

Support Staff, Midday & Wraparound Care

Visiting Specialist Staff

There are no members of staff employed at Felbridge Primary School whose salary exceeds £100K
