We expect children to look smart whilst they are at school and uniform is a major part of this.
We have a uniform shop in school that sells core elements of our uniform including sweatshirts, PE t-shirts and shorts and polo shirts with the school logo. Other elements of school uniform such as trousers, shorts, skirts and summer dresses can be purchased more cost effectively from many high street stores.
The following are the school uniform requirements for boys and girls. Items available from school are underlined.
- Grey trousers/shorts
- Grey skirt/pinafore dress—these should be 'uniform grey' as available in high street shops and supermarkets (please ask the office for advice if you are not sure).
- White shirt/blouse, white polo shirt or Felbridge polo shirt (available in blue or white)
- Royal blue Felbridge sweatshirt or cardigan
- Pale blue/white gingham dress for summer (optional)
- Black or grey socks
- White socks or black, grey or navy blue tights
- Smart, enclosed, sensible black shoes with low heel
For PE:
- Felbridge t-shirt
- Plain blue shorts or Royal Blue shorts (cotton or lycra)
- Black plimsolls (not needed until summer term for Reception)
- Trainers for outdoor PE
- Shoe Bag
Hair, make-up and jewellery
We aim for all children at Felbridge to be proud of their appearance.
Long hair must be tied back whilst in school using discreet hair accessories. Hair bands or ties should be plain white, blue, black or grey to match our uniform colours. Large bows, 'cat ear' or novelty hair accessories are discouraged.
Long hair (below shoulder length- for girls and boys) is to be tied back at all times as this reduces the chance of pupils passing nits to each other, is much safer for PE lessons and also looks smarter.
Children may wear one pair of small, plain, silver or gold ear-studs (not hoops or hanging ear-rings). The following rules apply for ear-studs and PE/Sport:
- If possible, children must remove ear-studs prior to any PE lesson or sporting activity where a collision with a pupil, a piece of apparatus or a ball etc. might occur. They must be removed by the child themselves.
- Where staff deem the activity safe enough, children who are not able to remove ear-studs should make them safe by taping them front and back.
- The taping should be sufficient to prevent injury from an unintentional blow. Children in KS2 will be expected to be able to do this for themselves before PE, and children in KS1 should have their piercings taped at home before coming to school on PE days. Please provide your child with appropriate tape in their PE bags.
- Staff must not be expected to do the taping for pupils. We retain the right to exclude a pupil from PE in any circumstances where it is felt the pupil is at risk.
It is still best to wait until the Summer Holidays to have piercings done, so that they can be removed for PE wherever possible.
Unfortunately, like all other schools, pupils suffer from the occasional bout of head lice and for this reason we ask that you check your child’s hair weekly, and treat them immediately if necessary.
A watch may also be worn to school. Nail polish should be removed before school.
Watches should not be capable of sending or receiving messages or calls, or taking pictures. We will ask children to take watches off if we cannot be sure they could be used for the above purposes, and to keep them at home.
Fitness watches (for example Fitbit Kids) are permitted.
All watches/jewellery allowed under the uniform policy are worn at the owner's risk. The school cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage.
Orders for uniform should be sent via email - the uniform will be sent home with your child.
Uniform purchases may also be made via our online payment service. Go to the Parents Information / Online Payments page of the website to make an online payment to the School Shop and then email the school office - info@felbridge.surrey.sch.uk with your order.
The PTA also maintain a stock of second-hand uniform, which is put out for sale at regular intervals. Alternatively, please email them via pta@felbridge.surrey.sch.uk to ask for specific items.
Please click on the link below for a full uniform and price list.