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Felbridge Primary School

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School Meals

Our school meals are freshly prepared onsite in our kitchen by our cook, Zoe Streatfield. We buy into a school meals service provided by Twelve15 (formally known as Surrey Commercial Services). This means that the whole service is provided and managed by them. We liaise regularly with them, particularly over menus, which are changed twice a year.

Menus operate on a three week cycle and these are detailed for you below, so if your child has school lunches you will be able to see what they have had each day. Currently the price of a school lunch is £2.70.

If your child is going to have school lunches, the office will provide you with a bill at the start of each half term. This may be paid weekly, or half termly either direct to the office (cash or cheque made payable to Surrey County Council) or via our online payment service (see the online payments page of the website).

If your child will be bringing packed lunches each day we do ask the following:


  • please do not include fizzy drinks or sweets
  • Chocolate biscuits are acceptable, but not bars of chocolate (eg milky ways, mars bars etc)
  • All drinks should be in a plastic bottle.


Children eat their lunch in the school hall, whether they are having a school lunch or are eating a packed lunch. Our Midday Supervisors in the hall at lunchtime will encourage all children to eat their lunch. They work sympathetically with children who are fussy eaters, encouraging them to try new foods.
