School Clubs
We offer a wide range of clubs, some of which take place at lunchtime and others after school. Some of our after school clubs are run by out of school providers and have an associated cost. School run clubs are free of charge.
Currently the following clubs being run by out of school providers (subject to current Covid-19 restrictions) are:
- Multisports and Dodgeball - Primary Sporting Development
- Gymnastics - Karen George
- Pottery - Kate Creative
- Dance - Studio N Dance
- GrooveLine Music Education - Contact: Will Bennett
Other school-run clubs this term are:
- Football
- Netball
- Mindfulness Colouring Club
- Choir
- Lego
Clubs are widely available to children in KS2 and some clubs are additionally offered to children in Years 1 & 2. A letter regarding clubs is sent to parents at the start of each term to give everyone the opportunity to sign up for the club/s that their child/ren would like to join for the term.