What are we aiming for?
Our geography curriculum aims to instil a love of geography in all of our children and to ignite their natural curiosity about the world and its people. We aim to develop their knowledge of the world, as well as their place within it. We aim to provide all pupils with opportunities to investigate both their local area and the wider world. We aim to build geographical knowledge and skills, including: locational knowledge, place knowledge, understanding of human and physical features and geographical and fieldwork techniques. Above all, we aim to inspire an appreciation of the wonderful world in which we live, both near and far, along with the people who inhabit it.
How will we do it?
Geography units are taught for a term and there are typically two lessons per week. Across the school, some terms have a history focus and some terms have a geography focus. Teachers plan carefully to ensure that all learning objectives are covered, selecting the most appropriate resource for each objective, from a variety of sources. Memorable activities are planned for that enable children to become fully immersed in their geography learning. Trips are carefully planned for to ensure that they link closely with the learning in the classroom. We recognise that many aspects of geography, outside of the local area, are beyond most children’s experience and so make good use of physical, print and digital resources to provide a more immersive learning experience. Where appropriate and impactful, Curriculum links are made to further engage children in their geography learning, for example, by using linked geography texts in English to facilitate writing and studying linked artists / styles of art.
Geography is taught in Reception Class as an integral part of the topic work through child-initiated and adult led activities.
How does geography at Felbridge Primary School promote diversity?
Through geography, our children learn about a wide variety of countries and cultures. They learn to appreciate, respect and value the different physical and human environments that they learn about.
How does geography at Felbridge Primary School help children develop an understanding of SMSC?
Through geography, children learn about the world around them, inspiring a love for and respect for both our planet and its inhabitants. They consider how our actions affect the world and its people and what we can do to help. They learn about different people and cultures and learn to appreciate and respect that we are all different and that diversity should be celebrated. They learn about their country and key aspects of their country such as landmarks, rivers, mountains, traditional food and country emblems. They learn about their place in the world, their country and their continent. They learn to appreciate the outdoors and the mental health benefits that the great outdoors can have. These lessons from geography influence and shape the future decisions that they make.
How does geography at Felbridge Primary School ensure that pupil premium, SEND and other disadvantaged children can fully access the curriculum?
All Children, of all abilities and needs, can access and enjoy geography. Tasks are designed to be accessible for all children, appropriately supporting and challenging individual children. All children are supported to access the learning through a variety of strategies: differentiation, adult support, peer support and pair/small group work. We felt that, particularly in the younger years, some children were being held back by their ability to record their learning and so have removed this obstacle with the introduction of ‘Floor Books’ into EYFS and KS1. The Floor Books put a lot of emphasis on speaking and listening and hands on learning – accessible for all.
What will our approach result in?
Children at Felbridge Primary School enjoy geography! They are engaged during geography lessons and want to find out more. They are curious about the world around them and enjoy asking questions about the world and its inhabitants. Our children develop their locational knowledge of globally significant places along with their specific, defining physical and human characteristics. They understand how and why physical and human geographical features change over time. They recognise that we learn about geography from a variety of sources and can interpret this information. They can handle data gathered from fieldwork experiences. They develop their research skills, their use of geographical vocabulary and they enjoy learning geographical facts.