Our involvement with both the local and wider community impacts and benefits us all: pupils, staff, parents and governors.
As Felbridge sits directly on the border between Surrey and West Sussex, we are able to access a broad range of support and friendships between schools.
We are part of EGGS (East Grinstead Group of Schools) as well as the Tandridge Teaching Alliance. Each group work together for the benefit of all our children. Our involvement provides us with opportunities for staff collaboration and training, events for our pupils and access to additional funding. Through EGGS, we are also able to effectively liaise with our two nearest secondary schools which helps to ensure effective transition of pupils leaving Year 6 each year.
Our pupils take part in sporting competitions with other local schools as part of the 'Mid Sussex Active' sports provision. Although a Surrey school, the children value their historic sporting link with the schools of East Grinstead and sporting fixtures are a highlight of the year.
We have close links with our nearest playgroup, Stay and Play, who meet in the 'Den' within the school grounds. Children from Stay and Play regularly visit school for a story in our library and are also able to use our grounds for outdoor learning.
We also have close links with the local church, St John's Felbridge, where we hold our Harvest Festival and our Junior Christmas Service. The vicar is a regular visitor to school.
We have regular events to raise awareness of and make collections for specific charities. Most recently these have been Crawley Open House, Chestnut Tree House, Just Different and Children in Need. The children, through School Council, help to decide which charities to support each year.