Class 6 Residential Visit
Year 6 have had a super week in the Isle of Wight enjoying a wide range of activities that included zip wire, archery, bushcraft, volleyball, beach games, balance beam and abseiling. Evenings have just been as busy with a campfire, scrapheap challenge, mini Olympics and a Trail of Mystery evening that involved Mrs Trigg needing to dress up in a white coat and a bald wig! I really enjoyed my visit to the site on Wednesday and seeing how happy and relaxed the children looked. Our sincere thanks go to the adults that have accompanied the children and worked tirelessly this week.....Miss Simpson (party leader), Mrs Bienkowski, Mrs Wright, Mrs Trigg and Mr Yule (our ex chair of governors and an ex parent). Without this dedication, trips such as this could not take place. We hope Year 6 enjoy sharing the tales of the week with friends and family over the weekend and we look forward to seeing them in school on Monday, rested, back to work and to their Year 6 duties! My thanks also go to the Year 5 children who have covered the Year 6 duties so diligently this week.