Football and Cricket
What an exciting week of sport for Felbridge we have had!
Starting last Friday where we hosted a year 5 football tournament against: St. Peter’s, Escots, Blackwell and St. Mary’s. The boys started well with a draw to Escots, which we were unfortunate not to win after coming close on a couple of occasions. The boys kept working hard and were unlucky not to get more out of the later fixtures. The tournament finished with us finishing 4th. A huge improvement from the start of the year! Player of the tournament must be Hugo for some tireless running and brilliant attitude throughout the tournament.
Yesterday we attended the annual Kwick Cricket tournament at East Grinstead Cricket Club, in what certainly was not cricketing weather. Thankfully the standard of cricket certainly made up for it! The boys played absolutely magnificently producing some unbelievable cricket throughout. Their ability really shone through in the Wildcat team (made up of a mixture of schools) where our contribution secured The Wildcats a 2nd place finish! 1st place going to ourselves! The boys cooperated splendidly and thoroughly deserved their victory! We have now qualified for the Mid Sussex finals at Ansty on the 21st June, a first in my 7 years here!