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Felbridge Primary School

Finding the best in everyone.

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Welcome back!

We hope that you all had a lovely and restful summer (hopefully not forgotten already!) and that your child has had a good start back in their new year group.


It’s been super to see everyone returning to school looking noticeably taller and enthusiastic and keen to start a new year.


This week we welcomed our new Reception class children to our school and they have done brilliantly settling in so quickly; some of whom only started school today! Next week’s top job on my list is to learn all their names!


Thank you to those parents that attended the Meet the Teacher afternoons this week; we hope you found them helpful. The presentations have been be uploaded onto the class pages on the school website for those that were unable to attend.


Please remember that we have an ‘open door’ policy at Felbridge; we very much value a close relationship with our parents so if you ever require a chat with your child’s teacher over any concerns or simply would like to ‘touch base’ over your child, please feel free to contact the school office to make an appointment.


The results of the Summer term parental questionnaire have been uploaded onto the website for your perusal. We were really pleased with the results but will of course consider carefully any suggested areas for improvement in the comments section, as we always do, and let you know of any resulting changes as a result of this incredibly valuable parental feedback.  I did just want to include these quotes from two parents which were particularly lovely to read;

‘We genuinely feel both lucky and privileged to have our child at such a fantastic school.’

‘Felbridge is like a big family where children all interact with each other.’


Over the next few weeks I will also be sharing the School Development Plan to parents which will outline the strategic direction of the school for 2019-20.


In the meantime, if you ever have any questions or queries; feel free to contact me directly at or make an appointment to see me either directly or via the school office.


We are all looking forward to a fun, enriching and rewarding academic year!


With good wishes for a lovely weekend.


Yasmin Ravandi

